This first photo is some of the frames I am building called the BULKHEADS. They start to give the trailer some riggidity (sp?) and are the base for the insulation at the rear of the trailer.
This is one of the sides I had cut out, its starting to look like something real here! But I found it was very hard to jigsaw/cut the edges without a...
SAWHORSE! which was very easy to make! Plus: I used some old 2x4's from the reno we are doing onthe basement. Plus: Canadian Tire its 25$ for one, and all it took was 3 2x4's @ $1.50 a piece plus 16 screws=a lot less then the one at Canadian Tire!
Of course I run out of wood to continue with my frames.. So I must go buy more at HomeDepot, then I get home, and I have run out of screws, ARGH! back to HomeDepot. Oh and Homedepot doesn't sell Wood Screws in bulk so I have to buy them in packs of 100 (which seems like a lot but you go through them quickly!) So I just went all out and bought 200 8X2" wood screws (8 being thread count and 2 being length) 200 8x1 1/2" and 200 8x1"
I am all framed out, though it feels good to look at them all and say, 'Them some good frames'. I used BUTT joints to frame them,

And the door is cut! 'HELLO!'
Now the sides are up, and it really is starting to look like something! IMA SO EXCITED! :) :) :) :)! Those things in the middle are RIGHT ANGLE JIGS to square the sides to the floor, without them it would be all messed up and nothing would fit in snuggly, and the trailer would look more like a rhombus.(first time I've used that word since grade 10 math class).
This here is Hardboard, 1/8" thick. Much like panelling. I use this for the inside SKIN of the trailer. Also for the shelves, and such.
Here you can see that I have added the panelling to one of the BULKFRAMES this is the rear view
and here is the front view!
and this is me strangling my Dad for tryin to cut corners!
Here we are, I have installed the rest of the BulkFrames and am now putting the insulation in BEFORE I put up the face frames (which like it sounds is the front of the cabinet that faces you when you look at it!)
I just had a brilliant idea, Im gunna make a video tour of the trailer quick times so you can really have the full effect! I'll brb!
i love that you've managed to do something that lets you use the word BULKHEAD.